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banglalink SME Orjon package (New)

banglalink launched SME Orjon new package for prepaid & postpaid both users...

► product details/conditions:

• enjoy attractive call rate of 69 paisa/min to any banglalink number and 89 paisa/min to others number during 24 hours a day. also enjoy 6.7 paisa/10 seconds, when talking to numbers in the same SME group.

► migration process: old SME customers can be migrated to SME orjon package by typing 'SME2' and send FREE SMS to 7979 (migration charge free)

• new customer will enjoy 50 minute talk-time, 200 SMS to any number and 10MB internet data for the first three months.

• special service: amar tune, field force locator, news service and namaj alert subscriptions for the first 6 months!

• zero connection price, with only a security deposit required for SME standard (post-paid) in taking a new connection.

► tariff plans :

to banglalink numbers: Tk. 0.69/min.
to other numbers: Tk. 0.89/min.

► number of fnf 3 (on-net):
to banglalink fnf: Tk. 0.49/min

► SME group tariff: Tk. 0.40/min.

• 10 seconds pulse apply. 

► for more details, please call 121/01912999000

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