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full day facebook only 4tk and Zero FB FREE in ROBI

Now Robi users you can enjoy full day Facebook at 4Tk+vat , Also if you want to access Zero FB or which is a lightweight, text-only (without photo/video) version of the standard Facebook mobile site, activate the zero facebook pack &  enjoy Facebook for absolutely no cost!!  

full day in facebook : 40MB@4tk+vat

Validity: 1 day
Activation Code: *8444*04#

Zero FB : 500MB@0tk

Validity: 1 day
Activation Code: *8444*0#

► FAQ :

• What will be the charge for access 3rd party links / photo / video?
ANS: regular data charge applies.

• What is the URL to access Zero.Facebook
ANS: user will have to browse using mobile browser to enjoy zero rating FB

• What can be accessed using All Facebook
ANS: access Facebook using through default mobile browser or go to facebook through facebook application from java client, iphone, and android application

• What are the medium are not supported in All Facebook
please note that, following medium is not covered in facebook packs:
- using proxy rendering browser to connect
- going to desktop version of facebook site, which is
- using facebook application from ipad
- using "instagram" & "camera app" applications
- browsing through non-covered mediums, will be charged upon pay-as-you-go basis.

• Can I use the volume in both 2G & 3G network?
ANS: Yes data volume can be used in 2G/3G network environment.

• Who are eligible for the FB or Zero.FB pack?
ANS: All Robi subscribers can purchase the pack.

• Can I activate All Facebook Pack multiple times?
ANS: Yes, you can purchase All FB pack multiple times & volume will be accumulated. But for Zero Facebook you can’t activate same pack multiple time.

• How can I check my remaining volume of data or cancel auto renewal?
ANS: Just dial *8444*88#; it will show the data volume & validity. To deactivate dial *8444# and go review plan to cancel subscription.
• Packs are auto renewal or not?
ANS: Yes, Packs are in auto renewable. But you can stop the renewal anytime by dialing *8444#

• Will I get notification on data consumption?
ANS: Yes you will get notification on volume expire.

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