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ROBI Shokal Bikal Bundle offer

Robi offers  9 different bundle packs of Talk time, SMS, MMS and data for its customers at 3 categorizes (daily,weekly and monthly pack)

► Daily Bundle : 

• Pack 1:

= 40 minutes (Robi-Robi) and 40 SMS
= price : 10tk
= Validity : 24 hrs
= Usage Time : 5 am - 5 pm
= Activation Code : *8666*02#

• Pack 2:

= 20 minutes (Robi-Robi) and 20 SMS
= price : 10tk
= Validity : 1 day
= Usage Time : 24 hrs
= Activation Code : *8666*03#

• Pack 3:

= 12 any operator minutes, 12 MB data, 12 SMS
= price : 10tk
= Validity : 1 day
= Usage Time : 24 hrs
= Activation Code : *8666*12#

• Pack 4:

= 16 any operator minutes, 16 SMS
= price : 10tk
= Validity : 24 hrs
= Usage Time : 5 am - 5 pm
= Activation Code : *8666*016#

► Weekly Bundle : 

• Pack 1:

= 150 minutes (Robi-Robi) and 150 SMS
= price : 50tk
= Validity : 7 days
= Usage Time : 24 hrs
= Activation Code : *8666*50#

• Pack 2:

= 350 minutes (Robi-Robi)
= price : 100tk
= Validity : 7 days
= Usage Time : 24 hrs
= Activation Code : *8666*008#

• Pack 3:

= 70 any operator minutes, 26 MB data, 25 SMS, 25 MMS
= price : 50tk
= Validity : 7 days
= Usage Time : 24 hrs
= Activation Code : *8666*025#

• Pack 4:

= 150 any operator minutes, 51 MB data, 50 SMS, 50 MMS
= price : 100tk
= Validity : 7 days
= Usage Time : 24 hrs
= Activation Code : *8666*050#

► Monthly Bundle : 

• Pack 1:

= 500 any operator minutes, 200 MB data, 200 SMS
= price : 300tk
= Validity : 30 days
= Usage Time : 24 hrs
= Activation Code : *8666*500#

► offer conditions:

• 15% VAT applicable

•  Customer can buy the bundle pack as many times as they want

• Bundle Min Pulse: 10 sec.

• Bundle minutes can’t be used in fnf and priyo number

• SMS can be used in any local numbers and usage time is (12 am - 5 pm) without two daily bundles which has usage time from 5am-5pm

• The two daily bundles SMS usage time is (5 am - 5 pm) which has 24 hours validity

• Validity of bundle will be extended if any customer purchase another bundle within the validity period and the bonus values will be added.

• To check Robi- Robi minutes dial *222*2#, any operator minutes: *222*8#, SMS: *222*12#.and internet: *8444*88#.

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