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RFL Group Assistant Operator Job Circular 2018

RFL group Assistant Operator and helper Job Circular 2018 has been published on The daily Bangladesh Pratidin. RFL 2 post are various vacancies are appoint. Every interested person can apply for this job within specific time. Apply instruction are given below:

RFL Group Assistant Operator Job Circular 2018

Job Summary:
1. Published Date: 16 March, 2018
2. Published On (Source): The Daily Bangladesh Protidin (16/03/2018)
3. Walk in Interview Date: 18/03/2018 to 24/03/2018 (Please see the advertisement your district Interview date and time)
4. Job Type: Private Job
5. Name of Post: Sales Representative
6. Educational Qualification: HSC/Graduate (Please see the advertisement)
7. Age: 18 to 30 years (Experience person age consider)
9. RFL Group Sales Officer ‍Apply Instruction, Application Fee, Salary, Age and Other Information:

RFL Group Assistant Operator Job Circular 2018

RFL Group Official Website:

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