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Army Education Core-AEC JCO Recruitment Circular 2018 | www army teletalk com bd

Army Education Core-AEC Junior Commissioned Officer(JCO) Recruitment Notice of Job Circular 2018 has been published on Bangladesh Army Education Core-AEC under total 1 posts are various Recruitment. Every interested person can apply for this Recruitment within specific time. Apply instruction are given below:

Army Education Core-AEC JCO Recruitment Circular 2018
Recruitment Summary:
1. Published Date: 10/12/2018
2. Published On: and
3. Application Start: 10/12/2018
4. Application Deadline: 05/01/2019
5. Job Type: Defense Job

6. Army Education Core-AEC Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Recruitment ‍Apply Instruction, Application Fee, Payment Process, Salary, Age and Other Information:

Army Education Core-AEC JCO Recruitment Circular 2018

7. Army Education Core-AEC Junior Commissioned Officer(JCO) Apply Instructions:

1. Use any  web  browser to go to website OR  directly to to get to the online application web page.

2. Select <Radio button > for necessary application form & click on NEXT to proceed  with the application.

3(a). Application  form  contains  both  normal  and  mandatory  information  fields  to  fill  up  as per requirements. If any field is missing than the software remind will you to do that  appropriately. At the end of the application page applicants are to upload photo (300x300  pixel) where file size will not be more than 100 KB & signature (300x80 pixel) where file  size will not be more than 60 KB.

3(b). After  correctly  filling  in  the  rest  of  the  information  required  in  the  application  form  and  uploading the jpg color photo & signature, the applicant will  see a <Submit> button.

3(c).After successful uploading, applicants are to type validation code for security purpose and admit the undertaking clicking the option & submit the application.

3(d). Successful submission shows applicants an “Applicant’s copy” with information provided by applicants with an USER ID which is very important to keep for the next step  (deposition of fee). The applicants can print the preview of applicants copy.

4. Complete the payment in Teletalk mobile within 72 hours.

Teletalk SMS Payment System:
Candidates have to pay online application fees by Teletalk mobile phone. An application fee is Candidates have pay application charge by Teletalk SMS.

Teletalk SMS process:
1st SMS : JCO <space> User ID Send to 16222
Example: JCO 453564 and Send 16222

After that applicant will get a reply sms, here will be found 8 digit pin code then candidates will send 2nd SMS.

Reply: Congrats applicants addressing Name allotting a personal identification number (PIN) informing amount of fee to deposit. .

2nd SMS format:
2nd SMS : JCO <space> Yes <space> PIN and send 16222
Example: JCO YES 5454322 and Send 16222

Reply: Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for Army Education Core-AEC User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).

8. Army Education Core-AEC Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Recruitment Exam Admit Card:
Army Education Core-AEC authority Mobile SMS declaration will be published Admit Card. Every applicant can download login with User Id and Password at

9. Army Education Core-AEC Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Recruitment Seat Plan and Exam Center:
Army Education Core-AEC authority Mobile SMS declaration will be published Seat Plan and Exam Center at your Admit Card. You can download Admit Card login with User Id and Password at and

10. Army Education Core-AEC Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Recruitment Test Result:
Army Education Core-AEC authority will be published at their Official website notice board

Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Official Recruitment Website:

Tags:, www joinbangladesharmy mil bd,, army teletalk com bd, Army Educatin Core-AEC Junior Comissioned Officer (JCO) Recruitment circular 2018, Army Educatin Core-AEC Junior Comissioned Officer (JCO) Recruitment admit card Dwonload, Army Educatin Core-AEC Junior Comissioned Officer(JCO) Recruitment online application, Army Educatin Core-AEC Junior Comissioned Officer(JCO) Exam Result 2018.

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