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BMA Engineers Course Cadet Recruitment Circular 2019 | www joinbangladesharmy army mil bd

Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special Course Engineers, Signal, EME and AC and 45ST DSSC (RV & FC) Course Cadet Recruitment Circular 2019 has been published on The Daily Ittefaq, The Daily Bangladesh Protidin and on the date of 18/01/2019. Every interested person can apply for this job within specific time. Apply instruction are given below:
BMA Engineers Course Cadet Recruitment Circular 2019

Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special Course Engineers, Signal, EME and AC and 45ST DSSC (RV & FC) Course Cadet Recruitment Circular 2019

BMA Engineers Course Cadet Recruitment Circular 2019

1. Job Title:
Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special and 45ST DSSC (RV&FC) Course Cadet

2. Applicant Age on (01/07/2019):
Age Limit: Within 28 years.

Physical requirement:
Height: 1.63 M (5’-4’’) – Male
Weight: 50 KG (110 found)– Male
Chest: Normal 0.76 M(30 inch), Expended: 0.81 M (32 inch)

Height: 1.57M (5’-2’’) – Female
Weight: 47 KG (104 found)– Female
Chest: Normal 0.71M (28 inch), Expended: 0.76M (30 inch)

3. Educational Qualification: Please see details advertisement.
4. Marital Status: Please see the Advertisement
5. Nationality: Bangladeshi Male and Female Citizen
6. Gender: Male and Female Bangladeshi Person
7. Published Date: 18/01/2019
8. Application Deadline: 07/02/2019
9. Job Type: Defense (Bangladesh Army)
10. Job Experience: Nil
11. Compensation and Benefit: As per Government Pay-scale.
12. How to Apply:  Apply to online []

13. Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special and 45TH DSSC (RV&FC) Course Cadet Recruitment Callup Letter:
After payment complete Every applicant can download callup Letter login with User Id and Password at

14. Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special and 45TH DSSC (RV&FC) Course Cadet Recruitment Call up Exam Seat Plan:

Bangladesh Army Recruitment authority will send you Admit Card, Exam Center and Location.  Also you can download callup Letter login with User Id and Password at

15. Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special and 45TH DSSC (RV&FC) Course Cadet Recruitment Callup Exam Result:
Bangladesh Army Recruitment Authority will published Their notice board. Also you can visit update news at notice board .

Bangladesh Army Recruitment Official Website:

Tags:, www joinbangladesharmy army mil bd, Bangladesh Army Recruitment, BMA special Course  52ST Cadet Apply Online, Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special and 45TH DSSC (RV&FC) Course Cadet Final Selection Result, Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special and 45TH DSSC (RV&FC) Course Cadet Medical Selection Result 2019, Bangladesh Army 52ST BMA special and 45TH DSSC (RV&FC) Course Cadet Exam Payment process.

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