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banglalink users recharge 59TK and enjoy 1000 bonus minutes

banglalink launched recharge based bonus minutes offer named “kothar utshob”. all prepaid and call & control customers (without e-voucher, pco) users recharge just 59TK and enjoy 1000 bonus minutes(max). this is a limited time offer.

► offer details/conditions:

• 1,000 bonus minutes will be given in 10 equal monthly installments of 100 mins each.

• bonus will be usable to any banglalink numbers (with out fnf) from 9 am to 5 pm with 5 days validity.

• 1st bonus within 4 hrs to 12 hrs of 59 tk. recharge at a time. a customer can enjoy this offer only once, i.e. on multiple 59 tk. recharge during campaign customer will not get bonus multiple times.  for first two weeks of the promo, customer will get 100 min equivalent free money of 70 tk. the rest 900 minutes will be provided in 9 equal installments after every 30 days.

• to get next installment users must have cumulative 59tk. recharge within next 30 days of previous installment receiving date.

• if customers miss out on any 1 installment due to not having 59tk. recharge s/he will not get any further installments.

• bonus talk-time can be checked by dialing *124*3#

• if you are using this bonus minute offer , you can't eligible for 100% recharge bonus offer

• who already got the last 1000 mins offer on 58tk. recharge - if they recharge 59tk., will be getting the new offer and will not get the old offer installment bonus onwards.

• who are enjoying special tariff on recharge offer (6 paisa), february 2013 reactivation offers (4.5 paisa to banglalink numbers and 10 paisa to other operators), need to migrate to eligible packages to enjoy this offer

• new customers who are getting daily recharge bonus offer need to de-register that offer to enjoy this recharge based bonus minutes de-register from this daily recharge bonus, customers need to type stop and send a free sms to 1280.

• for more details, please call 121/01911304121

offer closed

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