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4.5 paisa/10 seconds to all banglalink numbers 24 hours on 36tk recharge

banglalink all prepaid and call and control customers (without i-top up) enjoy 4.5 paisa/10 seconds to all banglalink numbers 24 hours on 36tk recharge!

► offer details/conditions:

• to enjoy this special call rate, customers need to recharge exactly 36tk

• recharged amount will be add customer’s main account balance .

• special call rate will be applicable for all banglalink numbers (including fnf and super fnf) 24 hours a day

• customers will be able to enjoy the special rate from day of recharge till end of offer

• tariff for other operator during this period will be as per package

• after the end of the offer, customers will go back to their previous tariff

• customers can de-register from the tariff by dialing *166*69#

• 10 sec pulse will apply

• 15% vat will apply

•  this is a limited time offer

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