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get grameenphone STAR status

Grameenphone launched use more and get STAR status offer, under this offer, who wants to be STAR customer will get the opportunity by using specific amount of money in the month of August 2015.

There are 4 categories of STAR; a Non STAR Customer can become a GP STAR customer any of these categories –

  • For Platinum Plus Status:
- Customer needs to use 3000tk (with VAT) from 1 August to 31 August, 2015
- Registration process: write PP and send to 8282 or Dial *8282*1#

  • For Platinum Status:
- Customer needs to use 1500tk (with VAT) from 1 August to 31 August, 2015

- Registration process: write PN and send to 8282 or Dial *8282*2#

  • For Gold Status:
- Customer needs to use 1000tk (with VAT) from 1 August to 31 August, 2015

- Registration process: write GD and send to 8282 or Dial *8282*3#

  • For Silver Status:
- Customer needs to use 500tk (with VAT) from 1 August to 31 August, 2015

- Registration process: write SV and send to 8282 or Dial *8282*4#

Other Details :

• This offer is applicable for GP Prepaid Customers only.

• To avail this offer, customer needs to registation from 1 August to 31 August, 2015

• This STAR Status will be provided for the next 3 months, i.e. September ’15 - November ’15

• After the campaign period general rules & regulation for becoming a STAR Customer is applicable

• This offer is also applicable for existing STAR Customers and they can upgrade their status with same modality. This offer is not applicable for all Grameenphone postpaid customers, Village Phone, GPPP, BPO & ERS customers.

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