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Robi 4G SIM is Available! Customers will need to collect the 4G enabled SIMs from Robi Sheba

Get ready for 4G and get ready to experience all the network (2G, 3G, 4G) with Robi.

Robi 4G Service:

Robi is going forward with its super-fast internet to build Digital Bangladesh. However, Digitalization has no limits and 4G is the next big thing in Telecom industry. Now Robi is introducing latest technology USIM (4G enabled) for its customer.

How to collect Robi 4G Sim?
Customers will need to collect the 4G enabled SIMs from Robi Sheba.


Q. What is USIM Card?
Ans. USIM is 4G enabled SIM card. To experience the 4G network, you need an USIM.

Q. What is 4G?
Ans. 4G is the short name for fourth-generation wireless, the stage of broadband mobile communications that will supersede the third generation 3G. The data speed in 4G is much higher than 3G.

Q. What are the benefits of USIM Card?
Ans. At this moment, the main benefit is to ready the user for 4G network. Other than that, user will get more memory space, more options in STK menu etc.

Q. What are the difference between USIM card and existing SIM Card?
Ans. The main difference is you can’t experience the 4G network with your existing SIM. You must need an USIM to experience the most powerful data speed network (4G).

Q. How do I install the USIM card in my device?
Ans. There is no difference between installing an USIM and regular SIM. You just need to insert the SIM card of your device’s SIM slot. Then it is automatically installed to the device.

Q.Is USIM compatible with 3G devices?
Ans. Yes, USIM is compatible with 3G device.

Q. Do I need a 4G enabled device to use USIM Card?
Ans. You don’t need a 4G device to use the USIM card. But you need 4G enabled device and USIM to experience the 4G speed.

Q. How do I get USIM Card?
Ans. USIM are now available in all of our WIC (Walk in Center).

Q.How much does it cost?/What will the MRP of USIM?
Ans. Price is same as regular replacement SIM. So, you can get an USIM @ BDT. 100.

Q. Does USIM consumes more battery?
Ans. No, USIM don’t consume more battery.

Q.Is there any change happen in my tariff plan?
Ans. No, there is no relationship between USIM and Tariff plan. So, your tariff plan will be same after converting the SIM to USIM.

Q. If I use USIM, then the number will be same or it will be changed?
Ans. No. It’s just like a SIM change. Your contact number will remain same.

Q.Is it applicable for only prepaid or postpaid?
Ans. Any user can use USIM. But at this moment, USIM is only available for prepaid users. For postpaid users, USIM will be available soon.

Q.Is USIM available for both Robi and Airtel?
Ans. At this moment, only Robi users can use USIM. Airtel is coming soon.

Q. How can I identify an USIM card?
Ans. The word “U” will be written on every SIM card.

Q. Does biometric verification is required to buy an USIM?
Ans. It is same as regular replacement. So, you need biometric verification and you have to show your NID/Smart card.

Q. Is it available on nation-wide or only in Dhaka?
Ans. USIM is now available on all the WIC of Robi. It will be also available in retailer point.

Q. Why I need to change to the SIM?
Ans. After launching 4G, you need USIM to experience the real speed of 4G.

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